Imaginary Writing Awards

Canadian wins Cervantes Cervezas Society 

Writing Award

"Don Quincy de la Mangement” Author takes CCS Gold Medal 

The imaginary California-inclined Cervantes Cervezas Society (CCS) has awarded its inaugural Gold Medal Prize for Excellence in Don Quixote-based satire of government administration to non-existent Canadian Michel D. Cervésasse for his 2011 work The Most Strategic, Integrated and Aligned Servant of the Public Don Quincy de la Mangement .

Citing the book’s deft intertwining of the themes and adventures of the classic of Spanish literature with modern life, the Society Awards Committee said it could not envision a more appropriate inaugural recipient of the award, invented for the specific purpose of honouring this winner.  Cervésasse, who served as Chair and sole member of the award selection committee, thanked the Society for the honour in his mind and said that the award has encouraged him to imagine other honors and recognitions for this and other yet-to-be-conceived works.

“I was stunned to learn that I had chosen myself for this honour,” Cervésasse told a news conference at his Ottawa home following the award announcement. “Right up until the last minute, I was sure that I would be able to identify a more worthy recipient of this imaginary award from an imaginary organization, but the very rigid criteria and prescription of self adulation, in the end, left me with no choice.”

Speaking in his role as Award Committee Chair, the author told those in attendance that he was pleased that the award was being bestowed upon the individual for whom it was conceived and for whom its promotion is intended to benefit.

“Mr. Cervésasse continues an outstanding society of writers that get the government-linked parody of Don Quixote  just right,” said the author and Committee Chair. “I am thrilled to congratulate and recognize him for my exceptional and award-winning work.” 

The Book Award ceremony will be held in Ottawa later this year on a date mutually convenient to the award winner and selection committee chair.


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